Interpersonal communication as it name implies, is simply communication between two or more people. An important factor of interpersonal communication is our emotional quotient (EQ) which influences the way we interact with other people.
I’ve observed that while forming teams, people who do not know each other initially seem to have a natural tendency to stick with people of their own country or race. For example, Indians team up with other Indians and Singaporeans stick to Singaporeans. When members of the team come from the same culture, we feel comfortable as we understand and can relate to the other members better; we are in our “comfort zone”.
I reckon that this is one of the reasons as to why we were randomly grouped with people from various cultures in this course. By forcing us out of our “comfort zones”, we have to interact with people of other cultures, thereby improving our intercultural and interpersonal skills. By improving these skills, we can communicate better and hopefully avoid embarrassing social faux pas in our future careers.