Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post #6: Reflection on Teamwork and Communication Process

Wow, time has flown and we are at the end of the semester. I had initially started the semester thinking that CG1413 is going to be another boring and useless module, but I’ve been forced to revise my mindset.

The first few weeks of the semester was basically about the fundamentals of effective communication and teamwork. What I find most useful are the 7C’s, active listening and conflict management. These are skills that I will continue to use even after completing this module. For example, the utilizing the 7C’s would help me to write better, no matter if it’s it simple emails or long reports.

The second half of the course involved putting all these ideas that have been taught into use. We did loads of things twice; Meeting 1, Meeting 2, Oral Presentation 1, Oral Presentation 2. After going through each hurdle, we watched a video of what we did (Well, for all except one. :) ), and then did a reflection. Repeatedly, practicing something and then reflecting on it seems to be a rather good strategy for improvement. We learn from our previous mistakes and then do the meeting or presentation again. I feel that this really makes sure that we do not commit the same mistake twice.

I’ve also realised some of my strengths and weaknesses after going through all the hurdles in this course. I’m good in setting a direction for the project. I’m usually able to suggest a method to tackle the CG1102 problems that is agreeable with everyone. However, I’m not as good when it comes to presentation in front of audiences. I think I’ve improved on this weakness somewhat, but I still need a lot more practice before I can become a truly outstanding speaker.

CG1413 has also taught me a lot about teamwork. Throughout this module, we were always working in groups. We had plenty of opportunities to put what we have learnt in the first part of the module into play. For example, our CG1413 project group was made up of people from very different cultures. We had several problems, such as language barriers and employed various techniques such as active listening to get around them.

To conclude, I’ve really enjoyed this module. I’ve really learnt a lot of useful skills that will help me in future: presentation skills to present my work to others, and various techniques to work well together and to communicate effectively, so as to prevent things like this:

from happening. Good luck to everyone for their final exams!